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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Display published post number in WordPress

December 6, 2023 in Custom Code, WordPress / 0 comments

To display a number of published posts you need a wp_count_posts php function.

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Get only sticky posts in Bricks query builder

December 6, 2023 in Bricks Builder, Plugins, WordPress / 0 comments

If you need to query ONLY sticky (featured) WordPress posts with Bricks builder, here is how to do it. 1) You should know how it works in WP Query Here is how you construct WP Query to get sticky posts: 2) Use the Query editor in Bricks Builder Now you can use the knowledge in…

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

How to Translate RSS Feeds with TranslatePress

December 6, 2023 in Custom Code, Plugins, WordPress / 5 comments

One of the challenges I found when using the TranslatePress plugin with Oxygen builder and Bricks builder is the translation of RSS feeds, which is not supported. Supported from TranslatePress – Multilingual (2.6.7+). EDIT: 06.12.2023 – The TranslatePress now support the RSS feeds, but only Titles are being translated, so this code works better. This…

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Load more button for Bricks Gallery and Limiting the Number of Displayed Images

May 23, 2024 in Bricks Builder, Custom Code, Plugins, WordPress / 5 comments

If you like to hide your Bricks Builder gallery until user click on show more button, let’s do it! Step 1: Structuring the Gallery Ensure your gallery in Bricks Builder is structured with a specific class, like .product__gallery. By default, each image item has a consistent class .bricks-layout-item. Just ensure if it doesn’t changed in…

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Change WooCommerce clear variations text

November 28, 2023 in Custom Code, Plugins, WooCommerce, WordPress / 0 comments

If you’re looking to customize the text of the “Reset Variations” link in WooCommerce, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of changing the reset variations text using a simple code snippet. What is reset variations text and where is located? It’s the text, which appears after…

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Bricks builder WooCommerce Queries

November 28, 2023 in Bricks Builder, Custom Code, Plugins, WooCommerce, WordPress / 0 comments

WooCommerce TOP selling products query in Bricks You need to use Query editor for this and add this code: WooCommerce Featured products query in Bricks To display featured products only, use this in your Query Loop: Retrieve WooCommerce “NEW” products added not more than 30 days ago Bricks builder currently lacks the Date Query, however,…

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

How to Customize the Home Link in WooCommerce Breadcrumbs

November 28, 2023 in Custom Code, Plugins, WooCommerce, WordPress / 0 comments

WooCommerce provides posibillity to display breadcrumbs. These are usable especially for navigation between shop page and archive categories. By default the first link is called Home and url is set to the homepage. What if we want to set it to the shop page? BeforeAfter WooCommerce breadcrumb filter usage WooCommerce provides a straightforward way to…

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

WooCommerce gallery in Bricks dynamic data

December 6, 2023 in Bricks Builder, Custom Code, Plugins, WooCommerce, WordPress / 3 comments

If you would like to use WooCommerce product gallery images in Bricks dynamic data – for example with Gallery module, then you find, that there is no option for that. The solution is simple – create custom function to get the images and then call it with echo. This can be used for Bricks carousel…

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Uni CPO 4 and Bricks builder

December 6, 2023 in Plugins, UNI CPO, WordPress / 0 comments

We will guide you through the steps needed to make UNI CPO4 working with Bricks builder.

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Bricks: wp_body_open and wp_footer don’t work

January 17, 2024 in Bricks Builder, Plugins, WordPress / 0 comments

Bricks builder doesn’t work with wp_body_open and wp_footer actions. You need to use custom actions instead.

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