Category: Custom Code

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Bricks: Auto scroll to active Tab ─ Tabs Nestable element

May 3, 2024 in Bricks Builder, Custom Code, WordPress

If you want your browser to autoscroll to the tab content when user click on Tab nestable title (especially in mobile view) you will need to add some javascript to your page. I use Code Block to add this code only where I need it. Here is the code to insert into Bricks Code Block:…

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

WooPayments – change Credit card / debit card text

April 29, 2024 in Custom Code, WooCommerce, WordPress

If you want to change the text of payment method Credit card / debit card when using WooCommerce Payments official plugin, you can use Loco Translate or you can use small snippet below.

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Disable ACF HTML escaping

March 5, 2024 in ACF, Custom Code, WordPress

Learn, how to disable the new ACF security feature, which enable the kses HTML escaping of potentially unsafe HTML in ACF fields.

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

LearnDash: Custom Shortcodes for Kadence Query Loop

February 29, 2024 in Custom Code, Kadence, LearnDash, Plugins, Themes, WordPress

I just tried to use Shortcodes from LearnDash in Kadence Theme query loop without andy luck to make them work. So I made mine own ones.

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

ACF Gallery in Bricks Loop

February 26, 2024 in ACF, Bricks Builder, Custom Code, Plugins, WordPress

If you want to build your own gallery layout and you want to be completely free of Bricks Gallery block, then you may need to use custom query.

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

WooCommerce Block Cart: Extend product name

February 15, 2024 in Custom Code, WooCommerce, WordPress

Add emoji before and after product name in Cart.

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Incompatible archive ─ WordPress 6.4.3 SOLVED!

February 14, 2024 in Custom Code, WordPress

Since latest WordPress release, you may encounter getting “incompatible archive” error when uploading plugins or themes.

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Fluent Forms: How to Detect and save Sender’s Website Language with Smartcode

February 8, 2024 in Custom Code, Fluent Forms, WordPress

You can get the website language code when user submit the Fluent Form with custom Smartcode.

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Bricks Builder: ACF True/false in conditions

February 5, 2024 in Bricks Builder, Custom Code, Plugins, WordPress

If you want to use ACF True/False field in conditions for display/hide Bricks Builder modules you need to know something…

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Aleš Sýkora wrote:

Get WooCommerce Checkout fields slugs

January 9, 2024 in Custom Code, WooCommerce, WordPress

Knowing checkout field slugs is crucial for customizing and optimizing your checkout process. It’s like having a secret key to unlock the full potential of your e-commerce site.

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