Category: Bricks Builder
With 208 articles also related to:
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Load more button for Bricks Gallery and Limiting the Number of Displayed Images
May 23, 2024 in Bricks Builder, Custom Code, Plugins, WordPress
If you like to hide your Bricks Builder gallery until user click on show more button, let’s do it! Step 1: Structuring the Gallery Ensure your gallery in Bricks Builder is structured with a specific class, like .product__gallery. By default, each image item has a consistent class .bricks-layout-item. Just ensure if it doesn’t changed in…
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Bricks builder WooCommerce Queries
November 28, 2023 in Bricks Builder, Custom Code, Plugins, WooCommerce, WordPress
WooCommerce TOP selling products query in Bricks You need to use Query editor for this and add this code: WooCommerce Featured products query in Bricks To display featured products only, use this in your Query Loop: Retrieve WooCommerce “NEW” products added not more than 30 days ago Bricks builder currently lacks the Date Query, however,…
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
WooCommerce gallery in Bricks dynamic data
December 6, 2023 in Bricks Builder, Custom Code, Plugins, WooCommerce, WordPress
If you would like to use WooCommerce product gallery images in Bricks dynamic data – for example with Gallery module, then you find, that there is no option for that. The solution is simple – create custom function to get the images and then call it with echo. This can be used for Bricks carousel…
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Bricks: wp_body_open and wp_footer don’t work
January 17, 2024 in Bricks Builder, Plugins, WordPress
Bricks builder doesn’t work with wp_body_open and wp_footer actions. You need to use custom actions instead.
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Bricks: WP Query by ACF Date field
November 28, 2023 in Bricks Builder, Plugins, WordPress
If you want to display a post type with the ACF date field assigned to display (for example) events in the future by the date, you should know how to create the query in Bricks. You must set the return value of ACF date field to Ymd Then create the Query to display today’s and…
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
Bricks: Get ACF Radio field Value and Label
August 28, 2023 in ACF, Bricks Builder, Plugins, WordPress
This tutorial is made for Brics Builder users who you use ACF Radio field set to return Array and wants to get the Value or Name of the radio selected. Make sure your ACF radio field is set to return Both (Array) and your options contains both of them like this: After the Bricks Builder…
Aleš Sýkora wrote:
How to check if product category has child terms on term archive page?
November 28, 2023 in Bricks Builder, Custom Code, Plugins, WordPress
If you want to display or hide some content on WooCommerce product category archive page based on if it has child terms, then you will need to check if current category archive term, has a childs.