Aleš Sýkora / December 6, 2023 / 0 comments

Make slow YouTube embed faster with Toolset

Post summary: Speed up your Toolset website with YouTube embeded videos. Load them faster in a minute. Try it right with this tutorial.

I have a special tip for people who’s using the YouTube embed videos on website.  I finished a website full of youtube videos recently and it was made with Toolset and Astra theme. I love this combo because of it speed. But this site was really slow.

After following optimization, you can get results similiar to mine.

speed test

Before YouTube Embed Optimization

So I start to debug and found that YouTube embed made with Toolset layouts and Views are really slow. And also the scripts were requesting about !1,5MB of data. The slowest and biggest one is called base.js. You can see the slow YouTube requests here:

youtube base js slow loading
connections before

At this moment I was using the layout cell type YouTube:

layouts cell type youtube

And also view with youtube embeded videos.

youtube embed view

I was looking for solution and after trying some scripts – I found this article: How to Embed YouTube videos without increasing page size. So I tried the script and it works very good. I recommend this solutions for you too.

YouTube embed optimization

Step 1 – HTML optimization

In the Toolset Layouts – Stop using the layouts cell YouTube. Use the Visual editor instead and put this code inside:

<div class="youtube-player" data-id="VIDEO_ID"></div>

If you use custom field for youtube URL you need to create new custom field and insert only the video ID inside instead of full URL. Video ID is this:

When you finish it should look like this:

<div class="youtube-player" data-id="upwLYgjTVF4"></div>

In the Toolset Views – use the same div and put your custom field data inside the data-id option.

<div class="youtube-player" data-id="your types field shortcode"></div>

Save your View or Layout and go to the second step – add custom jQuery script and CSS.

Step 2 – jQuery & CSS

Put this script somewhere in your website template – I put it in header.


/* Light YouTube Embeds by @labnol */
/* Web: */

function() {
var div, n,
v = document.getElementsByClassName("youtube-player");
for (n = 0; n < v.length; n++) {
div = document.createElement("div");
div.setAttribute("data-id", v[n];
div.innerHTML = labnolThumb(v[n];
div.onclick = labnolIframe;

function labnolThumb(id) {
var thumb = '<img src="">',
play = '<div class="play"></div>';
return thumb.replace("ID", id) + play;

function labnolIframe() {
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
var embed = "";
iframe.setAttribute("src", embed.replace("ID",;
iframe.setAttribute("frameborder", "0");
iframe.setAttribute("allowfullscreen", "1");
this.parentNode.replaceChild(iframe, this);


And add this CSS to your child theme style.css stylesheet.

.youtube-player {
position: relative;
padding-bottom: 56.23%;
/* Use 75% for 4:3 videos */
height: 0;
overflow: hidden;
max-width: 100%;
background: #000;
margin: 5px;

.youtube-player iframe {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
z-index: 100;
background: transparent;

.youtube-player img {
bottom: 0;
display: block;
left: 0;
margin: auto;
max-width: 100%;
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
border: none;
height: auto;
cursor: pointer;
-webkit-transition: .4s all;
-moz-transition: .4s all;
transition: .4s all;

.youtube-player img:hover {
-webkit-filter: brightness(75%);

.youtube-player .play {
height: 72px;
width: 72px;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
margin-left: -36px;
margin-top: -36px;
position: absolute;
background: url("//") no-repeat;
cursor: pointer;


After YouTube Embed Optimization

When you have everything prepaired it’s time to test the optimization. I am using for testing.

youtube image
connections after

What I found? No more scripts are loaded from youtube. Only thumbnail images are loaded and whole website is lot faster.

speed test

Did you successfully implemented this youtube embed modification? Let me know in the comments below!

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